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The Resource Conservation and Development Program (RC&D), initiated in 1962 under the authority of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1962 (P.L. 87-703), assists multi-county areas in enhancing conservation, water quality, wildlife habitat, recreation, and rural development. Work in each area is coordinated by a council. At present, 375 areas have been approved encompassing more than 2,500 counties.

The purpose of the RC&D program is to accelerate the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, improve the general level of economic activity, and enhance the environment and standard of living in designated RC&D areas. Current program objectives focus on the improvement of quality of life achieved through natural resources conservation and community development which leads to sustainable communities, prudent use (development), and the management and conservation of natural resources. The Tennessee RC & D Council is composed of the different RC & D Councils in Tennessee and helps oversee RC & D Council actions in Tennessee.

History of the Tennessee Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc.

In August 1994 The Tennessee Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. held its first two (2) day Annual Meeting. At that time, there were five (5) RC&D Councils in Tennessee. They were: Chickasaw-Shiloh RC&D, Clinch-Powell RC&D, Five-Rivers RC&D, Hull-York Lakeland RC&D & Southeast Tennessee RC&D.

Past and current Presidents of the Tennessee RC&D Council:

1994 – 1995 President—Bob Aikman (Southeast Tennessee RC&D) served from February 1994 through August 1995

1995 – 1999 President— Marvin Hammond (Clinch-Powell RC&D)

1999 – 2005 President— Charlene Shelton (Appalachian RC&D)

2005—2019 President—Bill G. Williams (Smoky Mt. RC&D

2019 - 2022 -Timothy Jason Powers (Five Rivers RC&D)

2022—present—Carol Edwards (Five Rivers RC&D)